MustUse Manager: nuovo plugin per WordPress

mu-plugin-manager 3

Negli ultimi tempi, più per passatempo che per altro, ho sviluppato MustUse Manager: un nuovo plugin per WordPress.

L’idea è nata perchè una volta mi son ritrovato un bug fastidioso e solo dopo parecchi test ho individuato come colpevole un mu-plugin.

Per lavorare con i mu-plugin è sempre stato necessario usare l’ftp (non sempre semplice e immediato, soprattutto per i più inesperti).

Ho dunque pensato di creare una semplice pagina nel backend che permettesse di: caricare, scaricare (backup), attivare, disattivare e eliminare i mu-plugin.

Fatto e verificato il tutto, ho provato a inviarlo su, ma è stato rifiutato causa funzione upload (non più consentito secondo le loro policy di sicurezza).

Ho dunque rimosso la funzionalità di upload e inviato nuovamente una versione “Lite” (gli manca solo l’upload, per il resto fa esattamente le stesse cose con lo stesso identico codice).

Il plugin è stato controllato sotto ogni aspetto e ha superato con zero errori il Plugin Checker (insomma, si direbbe perfetto).

Carico qui alcuni screen della versione Full (con l’upload incluso) e il plugin stesso (starà a voi scegliere se usare la versione Lite presente su WordPress o la Full presente solo qui sul mio blog).

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=== MustUse Manager (Full) ===
Contributors: salvatorenoschese
Plugin URI:
Donate link:
Tags: mu-plugins, upload, download, enable-disable, delete
Requires at least: 6.0
Tested up to: 6.6
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Must-use Manager (Full) lets you: Upload, Download, Activate, Deactivate, or Delete mu-plugins from the WordPress backend.

== Description ==

**Must-use Manager (Full)** provides an intuitive interface to manage Must-Use (MU) Plugins in WordPress.
With this plugin, you can:

* Upload new MU-Plugins
* Download existing MU-Plugins
* Activate or Deactivate MU-Plugins
* Delete MU-Plugins

This complete version includes the upload functionality, making it a comprehensive tool for managing MU-Plugins directly from the WordPress backend without requiring FTP access.
For users who prefer a simplest tool without upload functionality, the lite version is available directly on website

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out!

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/mustuse-manager-full directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
3. Go to the Plugins page in the WordPress admin menu, then click on Must-Use.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What are MU-Plugins? =

MU-Plugins are Must-Use Plugins that are automatically activated in WordPress without the need to be manually enabled.
They are typically used for critical functionality.

= Can I use this plugin to manage standard plugins? =

No, this plugin is specifically designed to manage MU-Plugins.
Standard plugins can be managed from the default WordPress Plugins screen.

= Is it safe to delete MU-Plugins? =

Be cautious when deleting MU-Plugins, as they might be essential for your site’s functionality.
Make sure you have backups in case something goes wrong.

= What is the difference between the Full and Lite versions of the plugin? =

The Full version includes the upload functionality, allowing you to add new MU-Plugins directly from the WordPress backend.
If you are'nt comfortable using FTP, the Full version is the best coice for managing MU-Plugins.

= Where can I find the lite version of this plugin with upload functionality? =

To align with policies, this Lite version does not include the upload feature.
You can find the lite version with upload functionality on website

= How can I switch from the Full version to the Lite version? =

To switch, first deactivate and delete the Full version from your WordPress plugins screen.
Then, install the Lite version directly from to manage your MU-Plugins without the upload feature.

== Screenshots ==

1. No active mu-plugins
2. Upload form and active notification interface
3. Desktop view of the plugin
4. Fully translated interface (currently supports English and Italian)
5. Verified with Plugin Checker (no errors found)

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* Initial release of Must-use Manager (Full).

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 =
Initial release.

Versione lite hostata su

Fatemi sapere gentilmente se vi piace e come vi trovate (fa sempre piacere ricevere feedback) 😉


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